LancyBoi’s Stone Valley in Testing, Teams Up with OxygenDavid

By Yesmods

Jan 21 2020 - 09:58

Next mod



A lot ofbig news coming from LancyBoi these days. First, his Stone Valley map is intesting. The map is a 4x map, based on a real-world location in the USA. Themap includes several custom-made buildings and objects, and there are plans formaking a console version.

Judgingfrom the images on LancyBoi’s Facebook page, the map will be perfect for allyou fans of big machinery farming.

Here’s a video tour of the Stone Valley map from Daggerwin.

Charwell in Testing Too

Stone Valleyis not the only map from LancyBoi that Giants are testing. His Charwell map,based on a British landscape, is now in the hands of the Q&A team for an examination,as well. Everyone who has played the This is Ireland map from the 2019mod contest, can attest to that LancyBoi knows a thing or two about FarmingSimulator mapping. You have every reason to be excited about the upcomingreleases of the Stone Valley map and the Charwell map.

Here’s asnapshot from the Charwell map.

New Modding Powerhouse

New mapsare not the only thing to be excited about when it comes to LancyBoi. Late lastnight, he announced on his Facebook page he will do a joint venture with anothergreat mapper. He and OxygenDavid are teaming up to do a project together.

No wordsyet on what that project will be. LancyBoi has to finish his current maps first.The same goes for OxygenDavid, who is working on a fascinating FS19 conversionof the wildly popular Sandy Bay map.

You can follow LancyBoy on his Facebook page and OxygenDavid on his.

Imagecredits: LancyBoi and OxygenDavid on Facebook.

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