Phew, a lot of action today! First, the news about the Bourgault and the 9RX DLC. And now, the announcement that Giants Software is opening another office.
(The companyalready has three, one in Switzerland, one in Germany, and one in the CzechRepublic.)
Chicago, Baby!
Some AmericanFarm Sim players, not happy about the amount of North American equipment in thegame or the base game maps, are stating things like “they’ve never been tothe states, even!”
Well first, that statement isn’t true. Secondly, Giants is now coming to the states to stay. Today, the company announced that it’s setting up shop in Chicago, literally on the doorstep to great farming states like Missouri, Iowa, and Ohio.
More Overseas Players

The numberof Farm Sim players is growing in countries like the USA and Canada. Also, in SouthAmerica, a lot of gamers are opening their eyes to digital cultivating and husbandry.The main reason for Giants to make a move into the American markets is to strengthenthe relationship with players and modders “over there.”
ChristianAmmann, CEO of Giants Software, said this in a press release, published today:
The regionsaround Chicago are a big farming hub… and we look forward to… be present atlocal videogames and farming events as well as community and support activitiesin American time zones.
Three Job Openings
Giants Software’s Chicago office has three job openings at the moment. Here they are:
- Community Coordinator – America gets its “O5-Chris!”
- Customer Support Representative – American players no longer have to wake upin the middle of the night to get help from the EU helpdesk.
- Event Manager– Yes, the Farming Simulator League is expanding to the States! Start buildingyour teams, folks.
Giants’American move comes in a time when I hear talk about how the American playerbase is about to outnumber the number of European players. And it might alsoindicate a further venture into American farming with regards to both machineryand Farming Simulator maps.