4D Modding is Creating a Smyth Tri-Axle Trailer Mod for FS19

By Yesmods

Jan 17 2020 - 11:03

Next mod



While the Q&A people over at Giants are testing his Lely P300 forage harvester, 4D Modding revealed yesterday that he’s already working on a new project. This time, it’s a replica of a trailer model, made by the Irish manufacturer Smyth Trailers Ireland Ltd.

Oh, andbefore you start asking, there is no set release date yet, nor do I know onwhat platforms it will be released. What I do know is that the trailerlooks fantastic!

Smyth Fieldmaster Tri-AxleTrailer

4D Modding is making a Farming Simulator 19 version of what I believe is the Smyth Fieldmaster Supercube tri-axle trailer. The real-life version is for the most used for foraging, both in Europe and the United States. Here’s a video with one version, destined for the Robinson Farms in the USA.


Comparing the actual trailer with 4D Modding’s replica shows how skillful he is. Just look at the pictures in this Facebook post.


Mods from Scratch

4D Modding belongsto a rare breed of modders. I believe he creates most of his mods from scratch.He does all of the 3D modeling, the texturing, and the programming himself. Ifyou’ve ever tried to make a 3D model in Blender, Maya, or another 3D software,you know how tedious the process is.

He is alsoone of few modders who focuses on British farming machinery, making him extremelypopular with players that drive on the “wrong” side of the road…

Check out his Facebook page for more images and updates on the modding process.

Imagecredits: 4D Modding on Facebook.

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